Mustard oil is made from the Mustard plant, the seeds of
such plant are pressed to produce the oil (mustard oil). Mustard oil is very
popular in the Indian subcontinent, especially in the eastern parts of India and
In India and Bangladesh mustard oil
is used as edible oil and considered to be very healthy, whereas, in the rest
of the world it is considered to be toxic and not suitable for edible purposes.
Did you know, Mustard oil is actually banned for cooking
uses by the FDA. Reason being the ingredient it contains called erucic acid that
has been the caused of heart problems. Erucic acid is in the fatty acid family
which is not well metabolized. It is known to be contaminated.
However, FDA does allow an alternate oil to use instead of
mustard oil called mustard essential oil to use for cooking purposes.
Being derived from mustard seed, both mustard oil and
mustard essential oils are totally different from each other in terms of
process of extraction, chemical composition and medical properties. One of the
uses is both can be used as massage oil.
Moreover, In Europe (some parts), there is a ban on selling
this oil and in some countries it is sold as a massage oil reserved for
external application only.

Yes, mustard oil works as an appetizer and
boosts your hunger. It irritates the inner lining of the stomach and
intestines, stimulates digestive juices, and creates a feeling of hunger.
People having hunger issues can have
mustard oil added to their diet to get rid of it.
Applying mustard oil on skin can keep the
insects away from you as it works as a good repellent for insects. This might be the most useful benefit for
mothers to help their children fighting from insects.
Both (mustard oil and
mustard essential oil) promotes sweating, when consumed and applied externally.
It works as a stimulator for the sweat glands to produce more sweat by
enlarging the skin pores.
This benefit of mustard
oil helps in removing toxins, excess and water from the body. Very useful for
weight loss.
Mustard essential oil is considered to be a powerful antibacterial
agent as it kills the common and harmful bacteria and even certain types of

Studies have shown that
mustard oil helps in relieving the body pain. Mustard oil works against certain
pain receptors in the body which means that it could block some pain signals.
Mustard oil has cancer
fighting properties, it contains a lion amount of linolenic acid. This acid when gets converted
to omega 3 fatty acid, helps prevent stomach and colon cancers.
also said the mustard oil is better than fish oil for such cause.
This is the most well
known benefit of mustard oil. Mustard oil contains zinc and selenium and that
too a large amount of it. These nutrients are the reason for hair fall, without
these two nutrients our hair begin to fall.
In the ancient times,
people from Rome and Greece used to massage their hair with mustard oil to have
good and healthy hair. They strongly believed that it is good for hair.
Just a little addition of
mustard oil to your daily diet can prevent hair fall and keep the baldness from
you by stimulating new hair growth. Mustard oil even helps you to get relieve
from stress and headache, just a gentle head massage with and you will feel
very relaxed. A little addition of lemon with mustard oil can even help you get
rid of dandruffs.
You just have to take mustard oil and get a nice massage for your head to keep your
hair healthy and make them grow more. A little advice from me, after you get a
gentle scalp massage with mustard oil cover your head with warm cloth. This
will help the oil to get in your hair roots completely and will give you better
One more thing,
I have been looking for some forum websites and came across a question about
mustard oil. It was, what happened if mustard oil kept in a freezer?
Mustard oil is very thick
so you need to keep it in a very low temperature area to make it freeze, let’s
say 5-10 degree Celsius. Usually the freezer compartments of the refrigerators generally maintains the temperature of around
18 degree Celsius, so you cannot freeze mustard oil or cannot make yellow and
oily ice cubes out of it with the refrigerators you have at your home.
However, there will be no
impact on the healthy nutrients of mustard oil if kept in refrigerators.